State Data

GARYSE captures data for multiple purposes to include tracking the number of youth served and surveyed for the National Youth Transitional Database.

This is monitored and tracked weekly and reported semi-annually to our federal monitors. Additionally, data is tracked of the number of youth actively receiving Education Training Vouchers (ETV) as well as the amount of monies provided towards ETV services.

Along those same lines GARYSE monitors and tracks data of the number of youth actively participating in monthly workshops and trainings for life-skills. 

Currently, we are providing a snapshot of our progress with NYTD and ETV. In the months to come we will include additional data snapshots for our workshops.

NYTD Report

Reporting Period B NYTD 2016

(Apr 1, 2016 - Sep 30, 2016)
Total # of Youth Requiring 1 Service

Total number of youth:


Total # of Youth Requiring 1 Service
Total # of Youth Receiving (1) Service

Total number of youth served:


Total # of Youth Receiving (1) Service
% of Youth Receiving (1) Service

Youth receiving services:


% of Youth Receiving (1) Service


ETV Report

Education Training Vouchers (ETV)

(Jul, 2015 - Jun 2016)

Total number of youth received ETV: